Blockchain Integration

Blocksense Blockchain Integration

Blocksense integrates seamlessly with multiple blockchain networks and provides reliable, validated oracle data feeds to decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. This integration is achieved through a combination of smart contracts, representation layer, proxies, and data management techniques. Our smart contracts are written to be interoperable with Chainlink integrated dApps.

Blocksense Integration

Blocksense Smart Contracts

The core of Blocksense integration with blockchain networks lies in its smart contracts. These smart contracts can be deployed on any EVM-compatible chain, enhancing the interaction between the Blocksense protocol and dApps. Support for non-EVM chains coming soon.

Blocksense supports the storage and retrieval of historical data feeds, providing dApps with access to past data for analysis and decision-making.

  • Historical Contracts:
    • Function: These contracts receive validated data feeds from the Blocksense sequencer, making them available for on-chain consumption.
    • Features: Ensures data integrity and enables dApps to access the latest oracle data.
  • Access Control:
    • Function: Manage permissions for managing historical data feeds.

ChainLink Representation Layer

To enhance interoperability and provide a wider range of data access, Blocksense includes a Chainlink representation layer. This layer allows dApps to integrate with Blocksense protocol using the same interface as Chainlink.

  • Chainlink Proxies: Implements Chainlink AggregatorV3Interface interface to provide access to historical data for a given data feed.
  • Feeds Registry: Implements Chainlink FeedRegistryInterface interface to provide access to Chainlink proxies through a given pair of tokens (‘base’, ‘quote’).

Delegate Calls and Static Calls

Blocksense employs advanced functionalities to enhance contract interactions and security.

  • Delegate Calls:
    • Function: Enable the execution of functions from one contract in the context of another contract.
    • Features: Allow for modular contract design and the dynamic upgrading of contract logic while maintaining state consistency.
  • Static Calls:
    • Function: Enable read-only calls to smart contracts, ensuring no state changes will occur.
    • Features: Enhance security by allowing functions to be executed without the risk of altering contract state, useful for retrieving data and performing checks.
  • Upgradeable Proxy:
    • Function: Supports the deployment of upgradeable smart contracts, allowing for protocol updates and improvements without disruption of ongoing services by maintaining the address of the contract.
    • Features: Ensures backwards compatibility and future-proofing of the Blocksense protocol by allowing the underlying logic of smart contracts to be upgraded.

Data Flow Diagram

  • Data Collection and Reporting:
    • Reporters collect data from various internet sources and process it using predefined scripts.
    • Anomaly detection ensures data integrity before reporting to the Blocksense protocol.
  • Sequencing and Validation:
    • The Blocksense sequencer aggregates reports, validates them using cryptographic techniques, and creates transactions for publication on the blockchain.
  • Publication on Blockchains:
    • Validated data feeds are published on EVM-compatible blockchains via Blocksense smart contracts.
  • Data Consumption:
    • dApps and smart contracts access the latest and historical data feeds through Blocksense smart contracts.


The Blocksense blockchain integration leverages smart contracts, implementing Chainlink interfaces, and robust data management techniques to provide reliable and accurate oracle data feeds.

With the use of delegate calls, static calls, and core EVM data feed contracts, Blocksense ensures a highly efficient, secure, and modular oracle solution for the decentralized ecosystem.